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by Alessandro Magania and Kourtney Rutherford 

"Charisma is something you can ignite, stimulate, and work just like your intellect. Fit Factor 5 makes you fluid in a new physical language, replacing manifestation of eagerness, like nodding in agreement and smiling while talking, with EFFECTIVE/ SYNTHETIC/ GESTURES that will make you magnetic. Magnetic to those you desire. Magnetic to those who didn’t even know you existed." - EXCERPT 


HARDCORE is a one-act dance and theater piece created by Alessandro Magania and Kourtney Rutherford. Toying with the concept of crafting charisma, Hardcore plays like a series of takes from the shooting of an infomercial, for a program that aims to correct undesirable physical habits - namely, sincere emotional manifestations.  Taking its cue from fitness and self-help videos, interviews and exercise demonstrations are played out by the program creator/guru and a selected participant, while a duo of technicians continuously resets camera angles, and with live scoring by a musician. The threat of spontaneity coming unhinged is set against the contrived principles imparted by the workout, and of filming in itself, as a reflection on the value placed by our society on restraint and poised appearances. 


Created by: Alessandro Magania and Kourtney Rutherford

Text: Kourtney Rutherford

Choreography: Alessandro Magania

Music by: Mathieu Eveillard

Props: Kim Macron, Simone Peretti

Performed by: Jack Frederick, Kim Macron, Alessandro Magania,

Simone Peretti, Kourtney Rutherford. 


Running time: 20 mins approx




Hardcore premiered at Dixon Place. as part of Little Theatre, Vol XV, No. 1, September, 2014.







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